February 4th, 2024

First, I would like to give a huge “Thank You!” to Vincennes University. They were amazing and decided to sponsor two complete beds to help local children in need. This is the story of their first sponsored bed.

Shortly after last months delivery the Bed Committee decided on February’s bed recipient; an 11 year old girl from Gibson County. I reached out to the parent and informed her. I always like this part, I can hear the joy in their voice, on the phone, when I let them know that their child was chosen for a new bed. I usually ask a few questions to see what kind of bedding the child would like. In this case, the favorite was “anything giraffe.” Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to swing the giraffe bedding set, but I was able to get a pretty silver animal print over purple and blue background. I notified the wonderful lady who makes the custom embroidered blankets and everything was all lined up.

Last month we used our very first prototype bed for the giveaway. From that prototype bed, I was able to make some homemade jigs to aid in future bed making and we also noticed a few minor tweaks that we needed to make on the next bed. I also wanted to see exactly how long one bed would take for one person to make. It took me right at thirteen hours to complete this bed from start to finish. I’ve got some ideas to cut time down, so hopefully the next bed takes a little less time.

After I picked up all the bedding and had everything all set for delivery, I contacted the parent and set a time and date for delivery. I had a nagging feeling that I was forgetting something, and I just couldn’t figure out what it was. Unfortunately, I was the only Dream Builder who was able to help with this delivery, but I called my Father-in-law, and my wife’s Uncle who both agreed to help… I also had the best helper of all, my son.

DELIVERY DAY!!! I was going to wait until my helpers arrived before I loaded up the truck, but I was just too excited. My 4 year old daughter and I loaded everything up and waited… and waited… and waited. In reality it was only an hour, but it felt like all day. Right before the helpers arrived I realized what that nagging feeling was. I forgot to pick up the blanket! Fortunately, she was home and when my helpers arrived we just made a little detour to pick it up.

We arrived at the house and made our introductions. I could see that the little girl was nervous and mom seemed relived. I had the girl show me her room and asked her where she wanted her bed. She did, but I could tell that she didn’t really know what to think and probably a little shy. Once that was done, we started hauling everything in. Kenny, Mike and even my boy, were a huge help. I could have done it all myself, but things go so much better with help. I’m grateful to have people in my life that I can call on for help. We got the bed frame set up and all the bedding in place. We were ready for my favorite part! I asked Kenny if he would stay in the room and video the reaction as she walks in. I went out to the living room and asked if she was ready to see her new bed… of course she was! I followed her in her room. The joy on that little girls face… that is why I do this. This simple act of kindness will resonate through that child’s life. She jumped on her new bed and laid down. She saw her new custom embroidered blanket and LOVED it. We took some pictures, and she got right back on her bed. I covered her up with her new super soft blanket and she told her mom, “You can’t steal this one!” I looked over at mom, and she was laughing as she was wiping away a tear.

After everything was done, my helpers and I loaded up in my truck and we headed home. Mike had told me something, I don’t remember exactly how he worded it, but it was something like, “Jason, you are securing your riches in Heaven.” While I appreciate what he said… I don’t see it that way. Yes, I am absolutely doing good things, no doubt about that. However, I’m only answering God’s call. God is using me to fulfill a need in our community. I can’t take credit for that. My boy, Ethan, says, “Daddy, is Dream Builders going to be around when I’m older?” I told him, “I hope so.” He replied, “Me too.” That made me one proud Daddy. He is only 8 years old. He was just there to help Daddy, Papaw Kenny, and Uncle Mike… but he knew and was able to comprehend that we were doing good things.

Once we got back to my house, I thanked Kenny and Mike for helping. They both thanked me for allowing them to be apart of this experience. Wow! I didn’t even think of it this way. I was just wanting some help so I didn’t take forever setting up the bed… it’s amazing how God works.


March 23rd, 2024


January 6th, 2024